Digital Humanties BeNeLux
The Digital Humanities BeNeLux initiative started in 2014. It has the aim to bring Digital Humanities (DH) researchers in Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands closer together, make DH research in this region more visible, and foster collaboration.
DH BeNeLux organises annual conferences in order to build a community of DH researchers that is open and inclusive. We interpret ‘digital humanities’ broadly,covering all aspects of digital and computational research and its practices in the humanities and social sciences. The conference should be open for participation by both early career and senior researchers, and serve as a helpful platform for early career researchers to present and get feedback on their research.
The conference is hosted by a different institution in the BeNeLux each year, with a group of volunteer organisers is responsible for local organisation, programme committee and publicity. DH BeNeLux has a large steering committee which includes DH researchers representing all of the BeNeLux and all of Humanities. The committee offers advice to the conference organisers and decides on future directions to achieve the long-term goals.
Although hosted in the BeNeLux, the conferences are open to everyone interested in DH in- and outside the BeNeLux. The language of communication is English but the community strives for a situation where participants can write and present their papers in any of the official languages of the BeNeLux. DH BeNeLux has become a Partner Organisation of the European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH) in order to promote the conferences and embed DH Benelux in the wider European DH community and to promote the EADH to the BeNe:ux DH community.
Get involved by joining the DH BeNeLux mailing list.